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The Richmond Neighborhood Pool Cleaners
Premium Pool Maintenance
Starter Pool Maintenance
Repairs & Upgrades
Leak Detection Services
Algae Free Guarantee

The Premium Pool Maintenance Plan for Richmond, TX Pool Owners

Our joy is provide clean, clear, healthy and blue swimming pool water to the neighborhoods of Richmond. To keep your pool water clear, blue and healthy simply maintain proper water level, run the pool equipment, and notify us of any issues. Pool Maintenance Services of Richmond technicians do the rest. Pool owners on this Premium Plan are visited weekly by an experienced and insured Richmond pool professional.

Our Starter Pool Maintenance Plan is a little bit cheaper, but a few of the tasks are moved to the "Our Responsibilities" side of the chart below. See the chart below illustrating the service duties of Our Responsibilities vs Your Responsibilities for the Premium Plan.

Beginning at $209 per month

Our Responsibilities

We clean your pool sweep wall screen.
We verify your pool cleaner function.
We backwash your filter on regular basis.
We brush your pool (tiles, walls, steps).
We keep your pool water healthy and treat any algae. See our No Algae Guarantee.
We empty your pump baskets and pool skimmer.
We test your pool water and apply the proper minerals and chemicals to keep your water in peak condition.
We check your pool equipment.
We vacuum your pool.
We net your pool.
We help you monitor your pool operations by reporting any observations of pool issues.
We clean your automatic pool cleaner (bag / filter).

Your Responsibilities

Maintain proper water level.
Keep the pool equipment operating and approve repairs when needed.
Report to us any discoveries of swimming pool issues.


There could be extra startup charges for the first cleaning & treatment.
Monthly service fee is based on a four week billing period.
Required filter cleanings every season.
Premium Pool Maintenance Equipment and Chemicals

Note: It is OK to swap plan types (Premium -> Starter & Starter -> Premium). Simply contact us to schedule the change.

We offer twice a month service in Richmond from October till March each year.

Importance of Filter Cleanings

Seasonal filter cleanings are mandatory for most swimming pools in Texas. This is because 96% of home swimming pools are either cartridge, DE, or a combination of the two. Filter cleanings cost $149 for those on a weekly plan.

Coverage Area of the Premium Plan

This Premium Pool Maintenance Plan serves customers in 77469, 77406 and 77407 and other adjacent neighborhoods. If you are in a nearby zip code, please contact us to confirm your address.